A Guide To Choosing A Care Home - Lovett Care

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A Guide To Choosing A Care Home

When it comes to choosing the most suitable care home for you or your loved one, there are a number of considerations that you must make. We appreciate this can seem overwhelming, however, they are all vital in finding the most suitable home.

Consider Funding

First and foremost, when choosing a care home you will need to consider how this will be funded. If the care is being self-funded, then a person can choose any care home of their liking. Please note, that if you will require any amount of state funding in the future, it is best to select a home that will accommodate this, as a transition to a new home can be upsetting for the individual (particularly if the individual is living with dementia).

If your care is partially state-funded, you will need to consider how much of the care the funding will cover, and how much you are able to comfortably contribute. This extends to when the state will fund your care. In many areas of the UK, the funding from each council will have a cap. If you cannot “top-up” this funding to meet the costs of a specific home, you will have to seek a home that this funding will cover.

If you require further information on funding, please visit our page “A Guide To Paying For A Care Home”.

Care Requirements

Once funding has been considered, you will need to consider the type of care that is required. This can typically be broken down into residential care and nursing care, but will also take into consideration dementia care.

With nursing care, there will be the requirement for a qualified registered nurse to be on-site at all times. This type of care will typically be advised to the individual either from their primary care provider or following a hospital visit. A number of our care homes offer nursing care, including Regency Care Centre, Charlotte House, Bod Hyfryd, Bradshaw Manor Care Home and The Rhallt Care Home.

When an individual is living with dementia, it is important that they are in a place where the care team are equipped to handle all that is involved. This means that you will want to look for a care home that caters specifically for the needs of those living with dementia. Many of our care homes have dementia care included, such as Twyford House, Eden Manor and Rhiwlas.

Aside from this, many people will be looking for standard residential care, which can be found in all of our care homes across England and Wales.

For respite care, many care homes will only offer subject to availability.

We offer respite care in each of our homes where available. If you are looking for respite care, please contact your local home directly for more information.

Consider the Facilities

Some care homes will offer additional facilities to their residents. For many, these facilities are what turn a room into a home. However, many of these facilities are in luxury care homes and may not be available in all homes.
Amongst the facilities at our care homes, we offer:

  • Hairdressing salons
  • Beauty clinics
  • Bar and gin lounge
  • Private dining areas
  • Cinema rooms
  • Craft rooms
  • Therapy rooms
  • Multiple lounge spaces

Aside from the additional facilities, take a look around the home, and consider how well maintained even the basic facilities are. Is the garden well maintained? Are the walls, carpets and furniture as stain-free as you would expect? Does the building itself look well maintained?

First impressions are hugely important and that’s why we encourage you to visit our homes to understand more and get a feel for the environment.

Care Home in Stoke

Day To Day Life With a Varied Activities Programme

Moving into residential care will see a significant impact on daily activities. This means that it is important to consider the daily activities that the home engages in. While it is not compulsory to be involved in all activities, finding a home where the activities appeal will help to make life in residential care more comfortable and enjoyable.

Each care home will have its own activities coordinator. This allows for activities to be organised every day to get residents moving and engaging as much as possible. Not to mention special activities during national holidays.

When considering activities, we recommend that you discuss with the homes the levels of mobility required for many of the activities. With more active individuals, you will need to consider a home that can accommodate for higher levels of activity.

Residential Care Homes

Take A Look At Reviews

Finally, before making a firm decision on any care home, consider taking a look at the reviews. These reviews will offer an insight into the level of care and perhaps the carers that work there. The benefit to looking at these reviews is that they should not cloud any downfalls of the home, with many making honest reviews. Take a look at Carehome.co.uk for further reviews.
If you have any questions regarding something that is raised in a review, you can always speak to the home themselves and they should be able to shed some light on it.

If you require assistance in choosing the right care home for you or your loved one or would like to discuss any of our homes, please contact the team at Lovett Care, or you can contact the General Manager at your chosen home for more information.

A Guide To Choosing A Care Home


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