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Posted on: 01.09.2020

World Alzheimer’s Month 2020

September is World Alzheimer’s Month, an international campaign to raise dementia awareness and challenge stigma. Each year, Alzheimer associations from around the world unite to organise advocacy and information provision events, as well as Memory Walks and fundraising days.

As a care provider that specialises in Dementia Care, we are passionate about awareness campaigns such as World Alzheimer’s Month and World Alzheimer’s Day (held on September 21st every year). While the impact of this campaign is growing, the stigmatisation and misinformation that surrounds dementia remains a global issue. This September is our time for action when the global dementia family unites to call for and demand change.

Let’s Talk About Dementia

The theme for the ninth World Alzheimer’s Month campaign carries on from last years: Let’s Talk About Dementia. Community groups and organisations across the world are encouraged to use this theme to focus their activities on promoting advocacy and building public awareness.

Despite the fact that there are over 50 million people worldwide living with dementia, stigma still exists about the disease. All to often lack of knowledge about the condition often leads to inaccurate, negative assumptions. This is ultimately harmful to those who live with dementia and their carers. Therefore, it is important that we talk about dementia. Particularly, how we can best support and include those it affects.

To help those living with dementia, their friends, families and carers we have created our dedicated Knowledge Hub. Here you will find a range of articles designed to support those looking to learn more about dementia. These include:

We are continually adding to this resource to raise awareness and knowledge around dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Dementia Care & Support

Without shadow of a doubt, people living with dementia and their carers have an equal right to respect and inclusion. As a care provider we take our responsibility in this very seriously. Therefore, should you need support in caring for someone with dementia, please do not hesitate to contact us. Across our care homes we provide residential care, day care, respite care and specialist dementia care to support those living with dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Further to this, if you are living with dementia please remember that you don’t have to be alone. It is possible to live more positively with dementia by seeking support from your family and friends, health and social workers and specialist organisations including the Alzheimer’s Society, Dementia Friends, and Dementia UK. If you are worried about developing dementia please speak to your doctor about your concerns.

To join the campaign, visit the World Alzheimer’s Month official website to see how you can get involved. Keep an eye on our social media accounts and our website as well to see how we’ll be raising awareness, fundraising and getting involved in the community during World Alzheimer’s Month.

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