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Posted on: 04.01.2022

Welcoming 2022 Into Our Homes

Happy 2022, from all of the team here at Lovett Care, to all our residents and their families! We are hoping that everyone has a wonderful year this year, and we look forward to all the memories that we can make with you in the coming 12 months. 

Bringing Joy To Our Homes

As we move into 2022, we look forward to filling our homes with as much joy as possible. From fun and exciting activities for our residents to get involved in, to welcoming families for longer visits and day trips and outings to some lovely places. 

Many of our residents look forward when we do something a little different, so we’re always looking for great ideas for things that everyone can get involved with, and this year certainly won’t be any different. Our activities coordinators work hard to ensure that our residents will always have the chance to get involved, talking to other residents, getting up and moving around and using their cognitive skills in a quiz or two. 


Throughout 2021 many of our residents once again missed out on seeing their families as often as we liked. Sadly, the start of 2022 looks like more of the same. At least for now.

However, that doesn’t mean we haven’t done all we can to allow our residents to see their loved ones. From video calls at every opportunity possible to waving through the window and even socially distanced visits, and lateral flow tests for every visit. This will be continuing in the start of 2022, and for the foreseeable future, helping to ensure the health and wellbeing of our residents. 

A Good Nights Sleep

Stress and anxiety are one of the biggest causes of a bad nights sleep, being the primary causes of waking during the night. As we enter 2022, we hope to remove some of the stresses and the anxiety that has been increasing throughout the last two years as part of the ongoing pandemic. 

This year, our activities will look at helping to reduce this, and hopefully, our residents will be back out on day trips in no time!

As we enter 2022, we hope that all of our residents, their families and our teams are blessed with the best health possible this year. We look forward to seeing you all soon. 

If you are interested in visiting one of homes, or bringing a loved one for a taster day, please get in touch with the Lovett Care team today for more information.

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