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Posted on: 10.08.2018

Dementia Care and Music Memory Recollections

Dementia care is made up of many elements. Having a programme of regular performances by singers and musicians is an important piece in the jigsaw of looking after our residents and providing a holistic and therapeutic programme of care. Scientific studies have shown that even when we lose aspects of brain function due to progressive illnesses such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, memories of old songs activate very specific areas of the brain: the caudal anterior cingulate and the ventral pre-supplementary motor area.

Visiting Musicians and Singers Entertain Residents

The singers and musicians who visit us play classic popular songs to entertain the residents at Hilton House. Apart from these sessions being something to look forward to, they have a role in maintaining health and well being too. Autobiographical memories are triggered, these are associated with key events in our past. Which is why certain songs from our youth remain important and recognisable to us throughout our lives. It seems that despite the neurological decline, our dementia care residents can recall the words, melodies and any associated memories to the songs which are performed. Music which is linked to key events in a person’s life, such as birthdays and weddings, can stimulate conversation and recollection. The NHS website says, “…there is some evidence to suggest that music is beneficial for improving psychological symptoms such as depression, agitation or aggression.”

Encouraging social interaction through group singing and music is a form of cardiovascular exercise which has many physical benefits including improved blood flow to the brain. It also releases endorphins which make people feel good and raise self-esteem.

Monthly Music Events Aids Dementia Care

Several times a month we have performers visit as part of our events programme linked to dementia care. You can see on our Facebook pages how much enjoyment this brings to residents. To find out more about our dementia care programmes, please contact us.

A Night of Celebration and Recognition for the Stars of Care

Lovett Care and New Care are delighted to announce the Lovett Care & New Care Awards Ceremony, taking place


Lovett Care partners with Care tech leader Sensio

Lovett Care is proud to partner with Care tech leader Sensio in a strategic long-term agreement for their sensor